API compatible with Amazon S3 (opens new window) cloud storage service
# Endpoint
generate API Key from https://bucket.4everland.org/#/apikey (opens new window)
# Supported Feature Set
Supported Bucket Calls:
Name | Supported |
MakeBucketWithLocation | Yes (partial, ingore Location) |
GetBucketInfo | Yes (fully) |
ListBuckets | Yes (fully) |
DeleteBucket | Yes (fully) |
Supported Object Calls:
Name | Supported |
ListObjects | Yes (fully) |
ListObjectsV2 | Yes (fully) |
GetObjectNInfo | Yes (fully) |
GetObject | Yes (fully) |
GetObjectInfo | Yes (fully) |
PutObject | Yes (fully) |
CopyObject | Yes (fully) |
DeleteObject | Yes (fully) |
DeleteObjects | Yes (fully) |
GetObjectTagging | Yes (fully) |
PutObjectTagging | Yes (fully) |
DeleteObjectTagging | Yes (fully) |
Supported Multipart Calls:
Name | Supported |
ListMultipartUploads | Yes (fully) |
NewMultipartUpload | Yes (fully) |
PutObjectPart | Yes (fully) |
CopyObjectPart | Yes (fully) |
ListObjectParts | Yes (fully) |
AbortMultipartUpload | Yes (fully) |
CompleteMultipartUpload | Yes (fully) |
Supported Policy Calls:
Name | Supported |
SetBucketPolicy | No |
GetBucketPolicy | Yes |
DeleteBucketPolicy | No |
Supported S3 STS (opens new window)
# Limits of S3 API
Item | Specification |
Maximum number of buckets | 200 |
Maximum number of objects per bucket | no-limit |
Maximum object size | 5 TiB |
Minimum object size | 0 B |
Maximum object size per PUT operation | 5 GiB |
Maximum number of parts per upload | 1000 |
Part size range | 5 MiB to 5 GiB. Last part can be 0 B to 5 GiB |
Maximum number of parts returned per list parts request | 1000 |
Maximum number of objects returned per list objects request | 1000 |
Maximum number of multipart uploads returned per list multipart uploads request | 1000 |
Maximum length for bucket names | 48 |
Maximum length for object names | 1024 |
Maximum length for '/' separated object name segment | 19 |